My world is not just an ordinary world and i know my words aren't enough to describe its extraordinary. But at least, i'm trying to describe it so i can share it with you.
Rabu, 30 Desember 2015
My Gratitudes for 2015
2015 is almost finish! I couldn't believe time's running so fast for this year..
Now I'm enjoying my holiday after the 1st semester in master's degree (and this could be my last long holiday before i finish my master's degree :scream).
I'm actually kinda regret this holiday since i don't have enough money to travel while i have many places to go on my bucket list (sob T.T), so i choose to use my super-fast-Internet-connection at home to browse anything! Yippie!
In the middle of browsing (and kepo-ing - if you know what i mean :P), i found a really inspiring article that tells us what to do to increase happiness in new year.
Here's the article:
Okay, I know you're too lazy to read it so I'll just sum it for you.
One thing that we can do to increase happiness is expressing gratitude.
Yes, it's so simple. Why? Just read the article, don't be lazy -_-"
Since I'm a member of gen Y (so I prefer to use blog or socmed rather than a diary book - but I also have a diary book lol), I choose to express my gratitude here. There are soooo many great things in this year but I picked the most gratitude experiences in 2015. So here we go.
It really is a dream comes true!! I wanted to go to Japan since i was in elementary school (12 yrs old) and that dream came true after i graduated from bachelor degree (23 yrs old)! To accomplish this dream, I worked when i was still a bachelor student (as a teacher, joining someone's project, and so on).
I still can remember my first impression when i felt Japan's air (shockingly breezing since it's winter :P). This was my first time going overseas, so I was very very excited when i arrived at Japan. This was also the first time I've seen snow! I thought snow would be fluffy like cotton, it turns out so hard like 'shredded' ice blocks -_-
I really love Japan, especially Kobe city. People are so nice there, they talked to me even when they knew i couldn't speak Japanese, they tried to talk slowly with exaggerating body language to make me understand them :D
I'm so grateful i could visit Japan, met really nice people there, ate delicious and healthy foods, also visited wonderful places in Japan. I hope someday i can go back to Japan. Doumo arigato goizaimasu~
2. Back to School : Graduate Student in Educational Psychology Profession
I wanted to be a psychologist. Not just a bachelor in psychology, but a PSYCHOLOGIST. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to apply master's degree in Universitas Indonesia to be a psychologist. Since i really love education, I applied educational psychology program.
There are only 13 students in this program and women's force is strong in here. No man in this program! ;D
Who run this program? Girls!
Who run this program? Girls!
Who run this **** program? Girls!
In the first semester, we mostly relearn the subjects from bachelor program (research methods, measurements, statistics). For me, the challenge is not only in re-learning the subjects, but also cooperating with other students. FYI, I never cooperate with them before, furthermore, I never know most of them before we attend this program.
Even though I faced so many obstacles in this semester, I am very grateful. I was able to re-learn the subjects, met many new friends, learned many things from them, and especially, laugh and enjoy togetherness with them ^^
I still have some points here but, since it's already 11pm here, I'll continue this later... (well, actually I'm not so sure I'll continue this lol)
Well, I'm also grateful to be with you this year..
Selasa, 05 Mei 2015
Jual Kitkat Greentea dan Oreo Matcha Termurah!!
Hello greentea lovers!!
Aku jual oleh-oleh khas jepang dengan harga murah meriah nih :D
☆Kitkat greentea isi 9 harga 52,000
☆Oreo Bits rasa greentea latte harga 30,000
☆ Kitkat special edition rasa Apple Pie and Carrot isi 12 harga 80,000(≧▽≦)
Oh iya, khusus kitkat rasa apple pie and carrot, jarang2 loh diproduksinya, soalnya edisi spesial ^^
Mau beli?
Sms/WA ke 087880755667
Atau line ke berlian.nainggolan
COD sekitar depok atau bisa dikirim lewat JNE ^^
Minggu, 01 Februari 2015
PK - Ngakak sambil Mikir
from |
I’ve just watched PK and my first impression was “damn, it’s
so inspiring!”
PK sendiri sebenernya kepanjangan dari Peekay (bahasa India)
yang artinya mabuk.
Sinopsisnya, film ini menceritakan tentang alien yang datang
ke bumi untuk riset. Alien ini bentuknya mirip manusia (yaiyalah, yang jadi
aliennya aja Aamir Khan wkwkwk). Alien ini punya alat untuk meminta planetnya
menjemputnya pulang. Benda tersebut berbentuk kalung besar.
Eh sialnya, baru juga ketemu satu manusia di bumi, kalungnya
malah dicuri oleh manusia pertama yang ia lihat. Alien ini berusaha buat
mencari kalungnya agar bisa pulang ke rumah. Dalam usaha pencariannya, Alien
ini perlu mempelajari bahasa dan perilaku manusia. Ia bertanya pada polisi dan
orang-orang yang ia temui mengenai keberadaan kalungnya, namun jawaban semua
orang sama, “Mana aku tahu, tanya aja sama Tuhan, dasar Peekay (mabuk).”
from |
Ternyata eh ternyata, si alien ini beneran takes that words
literally. Dia sangka namanya beneran PK, dan dia cari Tuhan buat nanya
keberadaan kalungnya. DIa coba beli patung terus disembah, coba segala agama
yang ada, but hasilnya nihil. Nah sembari si PK ini mencari Tuhan untuk
menanyakan kalungnya, dia mempertanyakan prinsip2 dalam agama yang bener2 menggelitik
hati dan pikiran orang-orang, termasuk gue. Mau tau cerita lengkapnya? Ya
tonton sendiri lah ya. hahaha :P
Hal yang gue lihat dari sosok PK adalah sosok yang seriously
and literally and purely cari Tuhan. Bener2 kocak saat dia udah ngasih sesajen
mahal2 di kuil, eh ternyata ga dapet kalungnya, terus dia protes “Tuhan, kan
aku udah kasih bayarannya, kok ga dapet barangnya?”. Eh terus dia lapor polisi,
bilang kalo ada orang yang udah dibayar tapi ga ngelakuin kewajibannya, dan dia
kasih foto dewanya ke polisi. Langsung lah ditempeleng. Hahaha
Ketika PK sudah benar2 melakukan semua ritual agama yang dia
tahu, dia mulai mempertanyakan, mengapa Tuhan ga dengar panggilannya dan semua
ritual2 yang dijalani. Gue sangat terkesan waktu dia protes sama Mr. Tapaswi
saat Mr. Tapaswi lagi ceramah. Jadi ceritanya, si Mr Tapaswi ini tuh pemuka
agama gt yang punya banyak follower. Saat itu, seorang kakek bertanya pada Mr.
Tapaswi, bagaimana caranya agar istrinya bisa sembuh (istrinya udah ke dokter
terus dokter udah angkat tangan). Taunya, Mr Tapaswi minta kakek pergi ke
himalaya 4000 km nun jauh di sana buat beribadah pada Tuhan.
PK pake helm kuning. Katanya, warna kuning bikin gampang narik perhatian. Jadi PK pake warna kuning buat narik pehatian Tuhan :P |
Langsung lah disemprot sama PK. Dia langsung tanya, “Kita
semua anak2 Tuhan bukan? Kalau anakmu sakit, kamu langsung sembuhin, atau suruh
anakmu pergi ke rumah lain yang jauhnya 4000km di sana?”. Ritual2 keagamaan
yang nonsense spt itu PK sebut dengan “Wrong number”, karena dia anggep bahwa
pemuka2 agama yang ‘sesat’ itu ga terhubung ke ‘nomer’ Tuhan yang benar.
Dan adegan yang paling gue suka, orang-orang jadi pada
mengevaluasi ritual2 yang suka mereka jalani. Contohnya, ada bapak2 yang protes
karena dia disuruh masuk Kristen biar ga masuk neraka. Lantas dia bilang. lah
kalo Tuhan mau saya jadi orang Kristen, saya pasti sudah dilahirkan di keluarga
Kristen. Dan banyak lagi pemikiran2 kritis orang2 mengenai ritual agamanya.
Selama di dunia, PK pakai baju yang dia curi dari "Dancing Car'" kita sih biasanya nyebutnya "mobil goyang". wkwkwkw |
So I think, I’ve learned a lot through these films,
especially about the true faith. That faith is not only about religion and its rituals,
that we don’t need to protect God (well, since we are much much smaller than
Him), that who are we to judge people with different religions.
PK ended his arguments with Mr Tapaswi in a very impressive
quote “There are two gods in this world.
One is who creates us all, the other one is the one who create by people. We
know nothing about the God who creates us all. But the god created by people
like you (Mr. Tapaswi), is exactly like you. Liar, pretend to act, giving false
So, back to myself, apakah gue udah menyembah ke Tuhan yang
benar? Atau jangan-jangan, gue masih terus menghubungi ‘wrong number’, the god
which created by myself? Apakah gue masih senewen terus sok2 ngebelain Tuhan
waktu Tuhan dihina? Atau gue masih ngejudge orang yang menganut agama lain?
“My right number is very simple. The God who creates us all, put faith
in Him. And the god people like you created, destroy it.” –PK
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